Source code for bellatrix.lib.cmds

Common utilities, meant to be used as 'building blocks'.
Every block has a different use, being possible in some cases to composite them. 

Every command is a simple function that returns the list of commands to be executed 
into a list of strings.
If any of the commands fails, the execution will be interrupted. 
It's convenient that you add a small test at the very end of each set. 

For example:

def install_pip():
    return [
            "touch new_file",
            "cat new_file",
It's an example of a single-purposed operation that performs a test at the end. 
Should something happened to the operation, 'cat new_file' will fail. 
Additionally you will be able to verify the content of the file in the logging output.               

import os

apt_prefix = "export PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin;export TERM=linux; "
apt_get_and_options = "sudo /usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold --fix-missing " 
apt_install = apt_get_and_options + "install "
apt_get_install_cmd = apt_prefix + apt_install
cmd = "command" 

[docs]def apt_get_install(package): """ Return the "sudo apt-get install" command :type package: string :param package: The new package to install """ return [apt_get_install_cmd + package]
[docs]def pip_install(package, prefix="sudo", verify=True, verification_command=None): """ Install a Python package using pip. :type package: string :param package: The package to install. :type prefix: string :param prefix: prefix of the pip command. It is 'sudo' by default. :type verify: bool :param verify: True by default. If true, it will auto-generate a verification command to check the package has been installed correctly. :type verification_command: string :param verification_command: None by default. If None, the verification command will be 'package --version' Otherwise it will execute the one provided in this argument. """ cmds = [prefix + " pip install " + package + " --upgrade"] if verification_command: cmds.append(package + " --version" if verification_command == None else verification_command) return cmds
[docs]def createVirtualEnv(env_name): """ Generate a new Python virtual environment using virtualenv :type env_name: string :param env_name: Name of the new virtual environment. """ return ["virtualenv --no-site-packages --clear " + env_name]
[docs]def executeInVirtualEnv(env, cmd): """ Execute a command within a virtualenv environment :type env: str :param env: Name of the new virtual environment. :type cmd : list :param cmd: List of commands to be executed. """ if type(cmd) == type(list()): cmd = flatCommands(cmd) return ["source " + env + os.path.sep + "bin" + os.path.sep + "activate && " + cmd]
[docs]def flatCommands(cmds): """ Given a list of commands it will return a single one concatenated by '&&' so they will be executed in sequence until any of them fails. :type cmds: list :param cmds: List of strings that contains commands. :rtype: string :return: A single string with the commands concatenated. """ cmd = "" ampersand = " && " #we need to get a single command so it works in the virtual environment for c in cmds: cmd += c + ampersand cmd = cmd[:len(cmd) - len(ampersand)] #cut last && return cmd
[docs]def installPackageInVirtualEnv(env, package, verify=True, verification_command=None, prefix=""): """ Install a Python package into a virtualenv. :type env: string :param env: Name of the virtual environment. :type package: string :param package: Package to be installed. :type verify: string :param verify: True by default. If true, it will auto-generate a verification command to check the package has been installed correctly. :type verification_command: string :param verification_command: None by default. If None, the verification command will be 'package --version' Otherwise it will execute the one provided in this argument. :type prefix: string :param prefix: Prefix of the pip command. It is 'sudo' by default. """ cmds = pip_install(package, prefix, verify, verification_command) cmd = flatCommands(cmds) return executeInVirtualEnv(env, cmd)
[docs]def install_pip(): """ Install pip using apt-get install. """ #we need to upgrade pip package using pip itself return apt_get_install("python-pip") + pip_install("pip")
[docs]def apt_get_update(): """ Executes apt-get update. """ return [ apt_get_and_options + "update" ]
[docs]def install_nginx(): """ Install Nginx in Ubuntu using the repo they provide as described in """ return ["sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/stable -y"] + apt_get_update() + apt_get_install("nginx")
[docs]def create_django_project(project_name, dir_name="." + os.path.sep): """ Creates a Django project. :type project_name: string :param project_name: Name of the Django project. :type dir_name: string :param dir_name: Directory where the Django project needs to be executed. By default is the current directory. """ return ["cd " + dir_name + " && rm -rf " + project_name + " && startproject " + project_name]
[docs]def wget(url, dest=None): """ Downloads a web resource using wget. :type url: string :param url: Url to download. :type dest: string :param dest: Optional. Destination in our machine of the downloaded resource. """ return ["wget --no-check-certificate " + url + ("" if dest == None else " -O " + dest)]
[docs]def sudo(cmds): """ Execute a list of commands using sudo. :type cmds: list :param cmds: List of commands. """ for i in range(len(cmds)): cmds[i] = "sudo " + cmds[i] return cmds
[docs]def chmod(mode, file_name, options=""): """ Applies the chmod command. :type mode: string :param mode: New mode of the destination. Typical examples are: a+r to give read permissions to everyone, a+rx to give execution and read permissions to any user, etc. :type file_name: string :param file_name: Destination of the new mode. :type options: string :param options: Optional set of parameters for this command. """ return ["chmod " + options + " " + mode + " " + file_name]
[docs]def mkdir(directory): """ Created a new directory. "-p" flag is used so the command generates the same result regardless whether the directory exists or not. :type directory: string :param directory: directory to be created. """ return ["mkdir -p " + directory]
[docs]def copy(src, dest): """ Copy a file using -f so it doesn't fail if the destination exists. :type src: string :param src: Source file. :type dest: string :param dest: File destination. """ return ["cp -f %s %s" % (src, dest)]
[docs]def scp(src, dest): return [ "mkdir -p %s" % dest, {cmd:"scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i %(key)s " + src + " %(user)s@%(dns)s:" + dest} ]
[docs]def logical_resize_disk(device): """ Resizes the logical volume to new_size specified in the start command. This is necessary for some operating systems that do not automatically resize to this value. :type device: string :param device: logical volume to resize, e.g. /dev/xvda1 in RedHat family systems """ return ["resize2fs " + device]