Source code for bellatrix.lib.bellatrix_util

Bellatrix utility functions

import bellatrix
import bellatrix.lib.util

import os
import sys

[docs]def getConfigDir(): return os.path.join(bellatrix.lib.util.getHome(), "." + bellatrix.APP.lower())
[docs]def getConfigFile(path, file_name, get_content, description=None): if path == None: path = os.path.join(getConfigDir(), file_name) if not os.path.isfile(path): sys.tracebacklimit = 0 #we don't need the stack trace in this particular case. raise Exception( """\n\n -------------------------- \n""" """Error getting configuration file. \n""" """%s is looking for the file %s and can not find it.\n""" """Please generate it and try again. %s""" \ % (bellatrix.APP, path, "" if description is None else description)) if get_content: return open(path).read().strip() else: return path
[docs]def getSecret(path=None): return getConfigFile(path, bellatrix.SECRET_FILE, True, \ """The file should contain your 'secret access key' (a string with an approximate length of 50 characters) and is part of your AWS security credentials.\n""" """Please sign into: \n\n""" """in order to get your keys.""")
[docs]def getKey(path=None): return getConfigFile(path, bellatrix.KEY_FILE, True, \ """The file should contain your 'access key id' (something like AKIAIU**************) and is part of your AWS security credentials.\n""" """Please sign into: \n\n""" """in order to get your keys.""")
[docs]def getPrivateKey(path=None): pk = getConfigFile(path, bellatrix.PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, False, \ """This file is the private key to use in order to connect to your instance.\n""" """You should have your key-pair already specified. For more details, please refer to:\n""" """""" ) #TODO: check what happens when executing this withing cygwin. Probably we shouldn't worry after moving to Fabric #if sys.platform != "cygwin": #for some reason ssh cygwin doesn't support the full path for the pk # pk = bellatrix.lib.util.getCurDir() + os.path.sep + pk return pk
[docs]def checkPkFile(pk): if not os.path.isfile(pk): #todo add more validations (in a method) raise Exception("%s does not contain the private key file" % pk)
[docs]def getReportsDir(): reportsDir = bellatrix.lib.util.getCurDir() + os.path.sep + "reports" if not os.path.isdir(reportsDir): os.makedirs(reportsDir) return reportsDir
[docs]def getOutFile(original_file, suffix="_out", delete_file=True): #get the file name without extension file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(original_file))[0] file_name = os.getcwd() + os.path.sep + file_name + suffix if delete_file and os.path.isfile(file_name): os.remove(file_name) return file_name